Three years ago, Tom was looking at purchasing a new house. Little did he know, his realtor was also a matchmaker, and real estate was not her only field of expertise.
At first, Lisa was a little hesitant in meeting Tom. Today, she was so excited and couldn't wait to see him at the end of the aisle.
The couple's wedding cinematography was provided by the talented and award winning Hawaii Video Memories. They definitely do an outstanding job capturing all the action.
Those are three words that best describe the images I have captured for my clients and friends.
Aloha to all! I am known as a son, a brother, a husband, and my personal favorite...a daddy!...but you can call me Scott. I am a photographer specializing in weddings as well as life's other special moments.
I love what I do. The passion of being a husband and a father inspires my photography and my life. Let me share my enthusiasm with you as you embark on this exciting time of your life.
Please visit my blog often as I share my adventures and beautiful Hawaiian events.
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